"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

Monday, April 20, 2009

Oodles and Oodles of Good Things

So the last few days have been so full of blessings for us. Where shall we start?

Well in some fun news, Friday night we had some more co-ed softball fun. Mike played well, of course. I think he may have only gone 1 for 3 but I'm sure he had a double or something. The team we played was really good. Their girls didn't seem like girls at all, they were even wearing baseball pants....get that, not cute softball clothes like our girls, actual boy baseball pants. I swear some may have been men in previous days. However, I switched on and off with another girl at catcher, which was a really easy position. That's the place they put us girls that aren't very good in the field. Our job is really to just stand there and throw the ball back to the pitcher. It was pretty easy and I'm proud to say my defensive game was errorless. On the hitting side, it was not as plentiful as previous games. I believe I was 0 for 3. I made contact, every at bat, which makes my husband proud, but I could barely get the ball out of the infield all night. Ughh!! Hopefully it will be better next game.

Onto Saturday. We had a joint garage sale with Matt and Kaylee Doerr and made lots of moula. Mike and I were both surprised at how well we did and really enjoyed cleaning out our garage for that. Its so amazing...the saying is very true...one man's junk is another man's treasure. Some stuff I totally understood why people bought...kids toys, clothes, bedding...but other stuff, I'm just not sure. Anyways, we had such a good time that we agreed to do another one in a couple of months to clean out the rest of our house and make some more money. And....just to be sweet, my husband took some of our earnings and bought me tickets to go see the Keith Urban and Sugarland concert in July. I know I posted about this a few months ago, but when it came down to it, I just couldn't bring myself to spend the money. I am very willing to spend our money on our kids or even fun stuff for Mike, but I have a really hard time spending it on myself...it just seems so frivolous. However, I'm super excited about the concert and feel so touched that Mike thought of spending our earnings on me alone....and to do it as a surprise...which I love by the way.

More good stuff....last week Mike and I decided to finally give in to our life long goal...not really but at least a few years...and bought some mountain bikes to go riding. We got a trailer to hook onto Mike's bike for the kids and we've been taking family rides. It is such a blast. Its a great exercise and a fun way to get out for the night. The kids LOVE it!! They sit together all squished in the trailer and belted in just oohing and aahing as we go by cars and horses and all sorts of stuff. Our first ride together was up this crazy hill that Mike thought we could make...but there was no way....we actually ended up walking it half way, and our legs were still on fire. However, we've made some wiser decisions about routes since then and are really enjoying our investment. Do I need to mention we got our bikes and the kids' trailer on Craigslist? I think it should go without saying that we get lots of big ticket items on that site for waaayyyy cheaper than retail. Another reason to add to my list.

Then another good thing happened. We had dinner with some friends on Sunday night and they GAVE us their double stroller. I know this sounds lame to lots of you, but Mike and I have been debating buying one for a while now and even starting getting some quotes from ones we've found on Craigslist. We didn't buy one when Ava was first born because Van NEVER wanted to ride in his before...but sure enough now that Ava likes to ride in it, he does too....hence our dilemma. So like I said we've been looking but just haven't made the buy. Then on Sunday we were joking about seeing their stroller in the garage and made an offer to buy it and they said better yet, just take it. I know they will probably read this and think how silly that I'm even writing about it...but we were REALLY excited. And, I already used it today and it was AWESOME. THANKS GUYS!!!

So let's see....I can't think of anything else right now, plus I want to sit down after a very long day and enjoy the night with my hubby. But here are some recent pics for you to enjoy.
Our future pitcher?

Believe it or not, this was a good hair day

My kid's bad habit...pulling skin off of his lip

Pretty girl with an Easter basket

Okay all, I'm off for now. Write to you soon.



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