"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

Friday, June 27, 2008

Life Is So Ironic

Look at that crazy hair...that's why she NEEDS a ponytail everyday now. So this little girl is now officially sleeping through the night, with a little assistance, or should I say restraint, from mom and dad. She was a pretty scheduled eater at 2am and 5/6am and we decided to cut out her 2 am feeding. She would only eat for maybe 5 minutes and be back asleep in under 10 total. We never really had to make a decision like this with Van because he slept through the night at 5 weeks and never looked back. I wasn't really sure at what age a baby should be going all night and by no means are we opposed to the "cry it out" technique. So after some mommy research we felt like it was time she could do it on her own. She's been doing well all week. If she wakes up, its not for more than a few minutes, maybe 20 at most, fusses a bit and goes back to sleep. I started having her cry it out when necessary for her naps so she got used to what was expected and she's taking it like a little pro now. I have to say...I sure am enjoying my full nights sleep. Now she wakes up at 6ish, eats, and goes back to sleep until after 9...at least that's been her routine this week.

No sooner do we reach a milestone with Ava than another one comes up with Van. After night 2 of Ava pulling an all nighter, I awake to the sweetest voice saying "mommy, mommy" at the side of my bed. As I open my eyes, I see the cutest pajama clad boy with the biggest blue eyes peeking over the mattress and starting right at me. My amazingly talented little boy figured out how to open up his bedroom door and come to wake me up. He was very tentative about it, almost like he felt like he shouldn't be doing something. After I got up to do some mommy investigating, I realized he got out of his bedroom, closed the door behind him, and couldn't figure out how to get back in. Of course this new action placed so many "what if" scenarios in my brain. I have no idea how this new found freedom will be affecting our "perfect" sleeper, during nighttime or morning cartoons (he turns on his tv when he wakes up and enjoys a little independence). I can only imagine where we're headed. I can luckily say this hasn't happened again since the first time, but I'm sure its only a matter of time before it becomes a habit.

Onto other hot topics. I begin my new job next week, Wednesday to be exact. I'm very excited and hopeful that this will prove to be a great opportunity. I will let everyone know how it goes. Also, Mike and I attended a meeting at the previously mentioned preschool for Van last night. It went great. It looks like exactly what we had in mind for him. So we sent in the registration paperwork today and he should be starting in the Fall. We will probably start out pretty easy, just the one day I'm working there and see how he likes it. I'm hoping he will love it so much that he can take on another day w/o mommy there and maybe even another. Of course updates on Van's schooling will be filling our blog in the future so keep your eyes out.
I'm off for now. Going to enjoy some quiet time...it may not last for long.

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