"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

Friday, June 20, 2008

Where Oh Where Does The Time Go?

So I'm sitting down tonite, taking a deep breath and soaking in all of the quiet. My husband is out with some guys playing 42 and both babies are sound asleep in their rooms. I feel like I have so much on my mind and may even get brave enough to write it all down...maybe. Tonite was the only night in a span of 2 weeks that my husband and I could have dinner w/ just our babies, no friends, no other family, just us. I love all of our friends and family, but sometimes just quiet us time is so nice and refreshing. We didn't have to rush to go anywhere, clean anything, entertain anyone, or even think about anyone else, just enjoy each other and the kids and I have to say, I did. As most of you know, I married the most social man on the planet but it is nice to slow him down every now and again and just have family time, I have just recently come to the realization of how much I really need that.

So Van got 2 new bikes for his birthday a couple of months ago and along with those he got this helmet and some knee/elbow pads for safety. He loves to wear this helmet and I've been meaning to post some pics because he's so darn cute w/ it on. It's so big that I swear he looks like one of the kids in the Jack in the Box commercials, you know the one w/ the kids playing football. He looks like such a bobble head and I think he thinks it's funny that it slides all over and rarely stays in one place. So cute.

Our little girl is blossoming like crazy. She can securely rock the pony tail now, of course it's really just a "pebbles" pony tail but she sure is cute. Her hair is getting to that awkward stage of long before it falls out, at least this time around we can pull it up top w/ a rubber band and a barrette and make it look cute. She is very alert and tries to reach out and grab many toys. She rolled over on Monday but hasn't done it since. She gets so mad that she can't always get her thunder thighs over and mostly just gets stuck. Today during her tummy time she was actually scooting across the floor. And I don't mean just the inching w/ her toes that we're used to seeing, I mean actually getting her legs underneath her and pushing off. She's really putting those chunky legs to good use. Second time around, so cute too.

My kids are doing great and in these moments of quiet reflect, I realize I miss my husband. The older we get, I feel like time and life are just flying by. I have a hard time knowing what day or date it is and before I know it, another week and month have passed us by. I find it so easy to be with my husband, I can't believe we're coming up on our 10 year anniversary together, 5 1/2 years of marriage already gone. I think, wow, we've been together almost as long as my parents were married (they only made it 10 years) and much longer than most of the couples in todays Hollywood. Its not just that I love Mike, I genuinely like him. I like to be with him, listen to him dream, laugh at his absurd and sometimes inappropriate jokes, bounce all of my craziness off of him, play some Rockband with him (okay really I just struggle and he rocks out masterfully) and just be around him. I've come to appreciate our time together so much more since it's so little these days. I'm so tired every night after we get the kids to bed from all of the tasks at hand that I just want to crash with my head on his shoulder, but I'm trying to not take the moments alone with my husband for granted. Every week we have so many obligations to tend to that it's hard to remember we need eachother too, just eachother, just to be.

So much more spinning in my head, but I've got to keep some just for myself, at least for now. Be back in a few.



mommy nat said...

I'm completely with you on that one!!! I find myself looking around sometimes thinking where did my babies go? and who are these GIANTS walking around calling me mommy? I've come to the conclusion that knowing the days of the week is over rated as long as you know where you need to be on whatever day it is you'll be fine!! Pretty hard to believe it's been 10 years already huh? It'll be 10 years for us in december. Time flies huh?

Melissa Vossler said...

I always love your posts.

1. You make the most beautiful kids.
2. How in the world do you get Ava to keep her head still for that tiny pony?
3. Let's get together soon :)