"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

Monday, June 23, 2008

!! An Answered Prayer !!

So if you've been keeping up on our blog like you should be, you will remember my accepted defeat regarding the job market for stay at home moms. Well it looks like I accepted defeat too early. Today, out of nowhere basically, I received a job offer from the "lawyer" lady that I interviewed with months ago, literally days before Ava was born. I've been staying in touch with her at her request but didn't really know if it was going anywhere. And since I interviewed w/ her hubby a couple of weeks ago and heard nothing, I figured I blew my chances w/ both of them. Apparently God was just teaching me ANOTHER lesson about patience. She has agreed to pay me close to what I asked for with an expected bump in 90 days if all goes well. And the same terms apply as far as schedule...she is only expecting me to come into the office, in Irvine, once every other week for an hour or so to catch up...all other work can be done from my home. Yippee!! I'm very hopeful about this opportunity. This has basically just been dropped in my lap and I've been counting my blessings all day, not that I don't do it everyday anyways, but you know what I mean. Its so hard, especially in California, to be a stay at home mom financially for our family so this will hopefully take a little pressure off of us, at least for now.

On that note, I've been feeling just a tad bit guilty for wanting to find some work because I feel like I'm not as good as other SAHMs whose kids are their lives and they are satisfied with that. I love my kids dearly and would never choose a career over being with them daily. However, I find myself searching for that intellectual relationship that I miss from a 9-5. I know my husband would love for me to have more to talk about other than pee pee times and cute smiles. I'm sure he's feeling a bit relieved that I will have another aspect to my life now that has certainly been missing. Its just that want for an adult conversation here and there, you know? Also, I feel so bad for having to reign in on our finances but not be able to contribute at all. Its that old idea of Mike having to make all the money but not being able to play with it at all because its needed for everything else. Hopefully this opportunity will loosen the reigns just a bit.

At a time like this, I am reminded that God does ALWAYS answer our prayers. It may not be when we want, or how we want, but we have no idea what he has in store for us. If we continue to put our trust and faith in him, he will find a way. Of course its easy for me to say now that he answered this one so quickly for us...but hopefully this post will serve as a reminder for the next time I'm wondering what God is thinking or what his purpose for me and my struggles are. Good night for now and as my father (in law) would say, "Praise The Lord".

1 comment:

The Doerr Four said...

Congrats Becky. So happy for you!