"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

Friday, September 12, 2008

First Day Of School

Okay I know its only preschool, but this is still a big deal to us. Since this preschool goes along the normal school schedule, fall to spring then summer off, it really feels like school. Thanks to nana who took Van shopping for school clothes, he was all set to start his first day. He has been very excited about this day. I've really been debating, is he too young, how often should he go, how much is too much at his age, what if he wants to go everyday, etc. I know, I know, I'm a headcase. But, he's our first and I just want him to like school and I don't want to push him if he's not ready and I don't want to restrain him if he really wants to do it. So, the fine line we will walk.

Well Tuesday was his first day and I believe it was a success. Because this is a co-op program, I am required to work at the school one day a week and my day is Tuesday. I thought I would start him then instead of Monday just because its completely a new situation with people he doesn't know, nor do I really, and I would just be more comfortable. So all day Monday I had to answer yes to the hundred times I was asked, "I'm going to school tomorrow?". I swear, you would've thought school was Disneyland. Anyways, we got up Tuesday, got all 3 of us ready (I am able to bring Ava with me on the day I work), and packed into the car nice and early. Daddy was the camera crew all morning so I could make sure I had everything we needed and we didn't miss a second of Van's big day.

Van took to the kids immediately. It only took him a couple of seconds to think about whether or not he wanted to play with people he didn't know, then he dove right in. Since I was working there, it did prove to be a little difficult to get Van to listen to other parents when I was in the room, or myself for that matter. He kind of resorted to "oh that's my mom, I'll just go by her", but then when I needed him to do something he'd treat me like his mom and just say no if he didn't want to. This wasn't working. One of the other moms was thinking it was because it was his first day and maybe he was nervous or uncomfortable, but I know my boy. He has gone into similar situations with bible class at church and never had a problem...my gut was telling me it was because I was there. Well sure enough, I stepped into the back room to get snacks ready, leaving Van with the other kids and parents and he was perfectly fine. Once he got distracted enough to forget about me, he was fine. He is definitely not one of those kids who needs mom there, in fact, its the opposite, he needs me NOT to be there. So this will prove to be a challenge on the day I work but I am going to work very hard to stay where he doesn't see me, at least until he gets settled, so that he can just enjoy school for all it has to offer.

By the end of the day, its only a 2 1/2 hour preschool, he was tired and hungry. We hurried home to get some lunch, which he devoured and off to bed he went for a good hard nap. The rest of the night he was constantly asking to go to school again so I know he enjoyed it. I think for now I'm going to stick to my original plan of sending him Tuesdays (because I have to work that day so he has to come) and Thursdays (by himself). If he wants to do more and I think he can handle it w/o getting bored later on and good behavior maintaining, we might have to reevaluate.

As for Ava you ask, she enjoyed school as well. She is just a real trooper. She hung out in the snuggli for about 2 hours, ate for a bit, then got down and played with some of the kids. Its so funny to see small children around babies, you'd think she was a monkey or something they way they poke and laugh at her. And, of course, she just loves it. I think she likes kids even more than she likes adults. She didn't fuss all morning, not even a peep, just enjoyed being out and taking in all the action. Thank goodness for good babies...that's all I can say.

Here's some pics of the big day.

All dressed and ready to go. I think we've finally taught Van how to smile looking at the camera. Yippee!!

Because it was my day to work, it was Van's day to share. He chose to take his dolphin as his "secret share" toy.

In the car and off to school we go.

Eating lunch after a long hard morning.

Van has now even completed his first day by himself at school. The teachers said he was great, of course, because I wasn't there. It was a little rough taking him and dropping him off like a big boy. It just made me a little sad to come home without him. But he had a great time and I know this is just baby steps for both of us. Before we know it he'll be going to kindergarten then off to high school. Wow, they grow so fast.


PS There will always be more pics on our flickr site and just a few here for you to see. Click on the link to the right whenever you want to check out our babies.

1 comment:

mommy nat said...

I can't believe he started school already!!! Your right about it going by in blur now though. Just wait your going to close your eyes one day in in the what feels like the time it takes to blink your going to be getting him to his 1st day of kindergarten. I think I was more sad about Jailyn starting Kindergarten than she was.