"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

Monday, September 22, 2008

Can I buy a breath please?

Oh my, where do I start? Do you ever have those days where it seems like so much is going wrong? Today was my day. It just felt like I was losing control, and my good friends know how much I hate that. I couldn't even get my footing without something else going wrong. Overwhelmed is an understatement. Okay I'm going to get on my soap box and tell you everything Mike and I are trying to "fix" right now.

It all started a week ago, well a week ago yesterday. Mike woke me up at 3am to help him fix our desktop computer, we both have laptops too so we're never really without a computer. But anyways, our desktop started getting all of these popups saying we had an infection, blah blah and Mike was a little freaked that our computer was really crashing so he woke me up to see if I could fix it. Well after a little over an hour, yep 415 AM, I ended up sending an email to our spyware company and leaving it in their lap. So, we've been communicating with them for the last week to try and get some sort of resolution to our computer which just seems to get worse and worse as each day goes by. We can barely get it turning on now w/o freezing. Why do I keep trying if we have laptops too you ask...all of my work stuff is on that computer and Mike uses it for work also...not to mention our thousands of pics of our kids....so, its kind of important. So, first issue, computer.

Then last week Mike and Van were running around Ava's room and jumped into the glider and broke it. Me, being poor and cheap, thought I would duct tape it to see if I could make it last. Well our new rule, no Mike in the glider...we're going to see how long we can make it last. I do have to lean to one side now and hope it doesn't fall completely back when I'm feeding Ava though.

Then Friday night Mike and I noticed the carpet in the hallway was a little wet and after stepping on it a bit, realized it was actually drenched for a run of about 3 feet. Since it's right under the closet w/ the AC, we opened the door and realized it was leaking all over the floorboards under the hallway carpet, hence the wet carpet. So we put towels down to try and soak up what we could and called the landload. He's working on getting an ac man out here and in the mean time Mike is working on putting some bleach or something in it to make sure the lines are clear and there isn't a clog causing the overflow. So, we now have wet carpet in our hallway...hopefully it doesn't mildew before it gets fixed.

Then a couple of nights ago I started noticing these weird little worm like creatures on our ceiling in our kitchen and dining room. There was only 1 or 2 when I first noticed them so I got a chair and wiped them down. Well now, 3 or 4 days later, there seem to be 5 or 6 everytime we turn around. They are only a 1/2 inch long, clear in color, and super skinny and we have absolutely no idea where they are coming from...but they are GROSSING me out. Luckily they stick to the ceiling, not in our cupboards, sink, trash can or anywhere we can track them. We keep switching off "worm patrol" because its just gross having to kill them. At least they are small, its not like outdoor worms crawling around and they just seem to hang out in our "popcorn" ceiling. However, disgusting.

So today my to do list was, talk to computer guy and get it fixed...we had a call scheduled at 7am, get back in touch with the landlord about the leaking ac and wet carpet, call an exterminator to come out asap, today preferably, to kill these worms, take Ava to the doctor at 10am for her 6 1/2 month checkup, go to my bi-weekly meeting with my boss at 130pm, call the doctor (did I forget to mention I'm still seeing a specialist for my kidney issue and waiting...2 weeks now...for approval on more testing)...hmmm lets see what else. Oh yeah, its Monday so my house is a wreck from the weekend and tornado that is our Sunday and all the hampers are full again. Oh and did I mention while I was on the phone w/ the computer guy, who suggested reinstalling Windows by the way, which I did then lost all of our files for a while...don't worry I ended up finding them after a minor breakdown...Oh yeah, I was saying, while I was trying to reboot the computer like the repair guy said, Van spilled daddy's coffee cup (a big full one) all over the desk with work papers, cords, etc covered, yep more on our white carpet.

By about 915, I was just DONE. After some encouragement from my husband, I tried to catch my breath. Like he said, it wasn't like he got fired or anything...these are all fixable, hopefully. So Ava went for her checkup, all is well. I managed to make my meeting on time, with my agenda in hand after hours of reloading programs onto my craputer. Got an exterminator coming tomorrow am, first thing, to kill these bugs. And still managed to put Ava to sleep in my squeaking, duct taped chair.

All is well. God is good, we will survive.



The Doerr Four said...

Yuck, what a mess. When it rains, it pours. Date night is over, welcome back to reality.

mommy nat said...

yep when it comes it comes all at once!! Hang in there you'll pull through! Like you said when you put it in perspective it could be ALOT worse. Love you stay tough!!!