"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ahead of the Game

Yep, the picture to the left is my attempt at getting both of my kids in the same picture. Now if only I could get Van to sit next to his sister long enough to take a picture life would be grand.

Well I think we have another hectic week ahead of us so I thought I would try to get ahead of the game and get my post done early. We are starting a new week with the same 'ole commitments. With Van starting school, Tuesdays and Thursdays will be very busy for us. As one of my good friends has said, Tuesday will be that day for me. You know, the one day of the week you kind of dread because you know at the end of it, you will be exhausted and so happy that you have another 6 days before it comes around again. Thursdays won't be so bad because I don't have to work at the school, but I still have to have us all up and moving early enough to get Van to school on time.

We also have a playdate planned for Wednesday this week with an old friend. Before Ava was born, I used to watch another little boy, just a few months older than Van, 2 or 3 days a week. He's a real sweetheart and his name is David. It was always entertaining because David is Czechoslovakian and was learning Czech as his first language and I was pretty much his only source of English. It was always fun watching him and Van talk to each other in some sort of combo language. Its amazing how kids just adapt though and can easily understand each other. Anyways, his mom and I have been emailing the last couple of weeks just to stay in touch and are getting together this week so the boys have a chance to hang out. I also agreed to help her out 1 day a month watching David for a couple of hours while she does some extra work. I know, I know, why do I keep piling it on myself. But, for the most part, he's a really good boy and pretty easy to watch. Plus it will just be like a playdate for the boys anyways, so I might as well help out.

Let's see, other than that, I have lots of work to do. I told my boss on Saturday that my work load was kind of tapering off the last week or so and I'd be willing to take on a little more work so she responded with about 10 emails of new things to do. So I will be a busy bee earning a paycheck for our family. I really enjoy the work I do for her. Being that I've been working for her for a couple of months now, I find the work pretty easy and have managed to cut my workload down because I've figured out how to do most everything in a timely manner. So bring on the next challenge.

What else, what else. Right now I can't think of anything else but I'm sure there will be. Our weeks always seem to fly by and before I know it, I'm behind on blogging again. Well I hope you enjoy reading my little update. I really do have the best intentions when it comes to writing often. I should show Mike how to blog so he can update all of you when I get super busy or ridiculously tired. Well love to all of our faithful readers, I'm not sure how many of you are out there but you are the reason I'm sitting here blinking away sleep and typing away my tired fingers.



The Doerr Four said...

I posted a comment last night but it must not have gone through. Anyways, I love the picture. Good attempt at trying to get them both together. That cracks me up! We're looking forward to this weekend. :-)

mommy nat said...

The busy life of a mom!!! Love you and miss you guys!!!