"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Life Is Still Moving...

So I've made a real effort to get back to you in less than a week. Like I recently told one of my good friends, if the day only had 5 more hours in it, that I didn't have designated to anything else, and I didn't need to sleep, my blog would be much more up to date. In the crazy scheme of my life right now, this is all I have to accomplish on a daily/weekly basis: praise God and remember to thank him at every opportunity, be a good wife, be a good mom and manage my 2 kids all day almost every day of the week, work a part time job in my down time, keep my house clean, keep the refrigerator and cupboards filled (which is definitely lacking right now), keep all of our bills paid, keep our laundry hampers empty (or at least not full), get a decent amount of sleep (at least 5 hrs or so), and of course update this all important family blog. As you can tell, there just isn't enough time to get everything I want done regardless of how hard I try...I've had a few items on my to do list for days now and just can't seem to get to them, well I could if I only slept for 2 hours a day. I imagine as my kids get older and even more involved in outside activities that this will only get worse. I'm trying to maintain control as much as I can, those of you who know me know I am a bit of a control freak. However, like I said, I'm making a gallant effort to sit and write to you today.

So some updates for everyone. Mike has received passing grades for some preliminary exams for a few police departments in the last couple of days so he is now moving on to the next stage. We are very very early in the process of employment for a PD but excited about the possibility. I am very proud of Mike for taking the step to apply when he's wanted to for so long. As most of you know, Mike is my dreamer. He wants to do so much with his life, but the actual follow through isn't his main suit. This time he really stepped up. He did it on his own, with no insistence from me...probably a little resistance in fact, and still did it. So far he's doing great and staying motivated trying to get in good shape. This is definitely one of those things that reminds us that God is in control of it all. We have no idea what God has in store for the actual outcome of this dream, but whatever it is, we will accept it and move forward, always remembering that what's supposed to happen will happen. I will keep you all posted as we progress in the process.

As for me and my crazy stomach issues, i.e. possible kidney stones...I'm still in limbo. I talked to the dr the other day and received my ultrasound results. All of my pain has been on my right side, but my right kidney looked fine. They did find a cyst in my left kidney but aren't really concerned with it at this point. Apparently that's one of those things that when you really get in and start looking around someone's body, you're bound to find some stuff you didn't know was there. However, my doctor isn't convinced there isn't something wrong with me still, maybe stones too small to be able to be seen on an ultrasound. I've been on antibiotics for some "infection" they think I may have in my kidneys for over a week now and my last "episode" was last Tuesday. So maybe the antibiotics are helping whatever the issue was. But, my doctor has referred me to a urologist to get some more in depth testing. As Mike says, I'm not in the clear yet and could still be dying from some random stomach or kidney disease. I know, I know, so optimistic...we just always joke, however inappropriate, that when something random and mysterious happens to one of us it must mean we're dying. Well anyways, I go to the urologist next week for some more testing and hopefully resolution.

The kids are doing great. Ava has broken out w/ a bit of dry skin lately, and the doctor recommended some better lotion, but of course being the good mom I am, I was concerned with how good it smelled compared to the pink Johnson's baby lotion. Yes I actually asked her if it smelled as good, she must have looked at me like I was a horrible mother....yes I want my daughter to have soft smooth skin, but I want her to smell good too....is that all that horrible? Just as soon as I post that Ava doesn't want to sit, she changes her mind. She is now sitting up pretty well I have to say. Its like she just decided to do it one day. I wouldn't quite says she a pro or anything, still falling after small increments, but doing well nonetheless. Van is ticking away too. He has become quite the singer as of late. He makes up his own songs, to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star of course, that tend to come out like this...The Tiger Song -- Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, etc...or The Gum Song --- Gum, Gum, Gum, Gum, Gum, Gum, Gum, etc...of yeah there was The Puzzle Song too and I bet you can guess how it goes. Its really cute actually. Since singing runs in his blood, I'm hopeful he will be great at it. I believe he already holds a tune better than some adults do.

I think that's all in the happs of our world lately. I will be back next week with some more goods. Love to all our readers.


1 comment:

The Doerr Four said...

We're praying God answers Mikes prayers of being a policeman if it's in His plan. Also, praying everything with you is okay. No more tummy problems. Let's get together soon!