"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Leap Of Faith

Since most of you can tell by my lack of blogging, my time is very limited these days. I know I say this all the time, but time is really flying by. I know the picture to the left isn't the best quality and you can't really see Ava, but that is why I thought it was so cute. Mike kept telling Van, "don't cover her eyes" and hence he just did it more completely. Anyways, thought it was cute enough for a blog posting.

Well since I haven't posted in over a week, I guess I should fill everyone in. I've been working like crazy with my new job, and am still really enjoying it. Mike has been wonderful looking after the kids when I need to jump back on the computer for a few minutes here and there. I think I'm doing an okay job managing my time so far, at least I hope I am. I don't want my kids or husband to feel neglected so I really have to make sure I take advantage of every minute of every day. Tomorrow is my first meeting w/ my new boss since I've started and I'm excited to see what she thinks of my work so far and excited to start some new projects.

The kids are doing great too. Ava is so squirmy it makes for quite an interesting day. She refuses to sit still any longer. If placed on the floor or any other surface for that matter, she immediately rolls over and starts moving. She's almost killed herself multiple times by rolling over and almost out of her swing and pushing herself backwards off of her changing table. If it hadn't been for my husband's quick hands, who knows what cuts and bruises she'd have. She is definitely going to be a mover and shaker. Van was a quick mover, but he was also content to hang out on his belly, in his swing, or on his changing table. Maybe this is just her way of getting noticed.

Van just melts my heart, that's all I can say. His vocabulary is growing so rapidly now. He amazes me with the sweetest things now. The other day Van, Ava, and myself had gone for a walk in the morning and as Van and I were walking to his room to get ready for a nap later that day, he looked up at me and said, "Mommy, thank you for taking me outside and for a walk today". Aww, it was just so sweet and sincere, that I almost had tears in my eyes. He can just be such a sweet kid...I know all parents say that, but it still amazes me everyday how much a parent can love their child.

As for Mike and I, we've been very busy. This last week and a half has probably been one of the most emotionally charged weeks of our marriage. We've had to make a very tough decision for ourselves and our family. After much thought, discussion, and fervent prayer to God, we made the decision to leave the church we've been attending since we started dating. Mike has attended there his whole life and its the only church I've been a member at since I really became a christian. These people saw us grow together, get married, and start our family. We have some very close friends that we've made at that congregation and are praying that our decision will not affect those good friendships. Not to mention Mike's whole immediate family attends there, so needless to say it was a very tough decision. Don't jump out of your seats, we're not leaving "the church", just that particular location. We decided to start attending the Orangeview Church of Christ. Not only is it closer to our house, but there are lots of kids for Van to interact with (he was pretty much the only consistent one at Anaheim), more couples closer to Mike and I's ages, and just the general direction of this church coincides more with where Mike and I would like our futures to be heading. We are really enjoying it so far and our transition has gone smoothly. We plan to officially place membership this weekend. As for leaving Anaheim, that goodbye went almost seamlessly. Most people were very supportive and understanding and wished us well in our "leap of faith". A decision like this is so hard to make. You want to always strive to do what you think God's will is, but when it comes down to it, you just don't know for sure what he wants you to do. Mike and I are pretty confident in our choice and have no doubt that God will agree with our serving him at this new congregation. I will ask that you keep our family in your prayers that we continue to always look to God for guidance and glorify him in all that we do.

Well since this posting has literally taken me 3 different log-in's to complete, I can't promise I will be back soon. I will however try to remember all those who love us and are impatiently waiting on me for all of our interesting family news and try to be back sooner next time.

With love,


mommy nat said...

Thanks for posting Glad to hear all is going well for you guys!! I miss you guys we need to get together again when life starts to slow down a little!! YEAH RIGHT!! We might be pushing 50 before that happens!!!!:) Oh yeah and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! LOVE YOU!!! Nat

The Doerr Four said...

What a crazy week you had. I love this picture of Van and Ava. Makes me laugh because I can hear Mike telling him to stop and Vans hands gently covering her little eyes even more. Cute kids!

Jeff and Jenny said...

I had heard that you guys were at Orangeview now. That's awesome! Congratulations! I hope you really love it there and feel right at home. They're lucky to have you guys.