"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Got 5 Free Minutes...Ready, Set, Type

Okay so I don't have much to say, but thought I'd write anyways. The pic to the left is just for enjoyment. I'm trying to post a pic w/ every blog but I don't have any new pics that will be relevant for this posting...so you get what I have. I'm done working for right now...I think. Mike is catching some video game time, Van is just waking up from his nap (no sooner do I start typing then do I hear him on the monitor), and Ava is camping in the swing. I have already logged almost 12 hours of work in 4 days. I'm hoping to get between 10-15 a week, work load permitting of course. Its going pretty smoothly and I'm really loving it. Ava has started eating solids, well actually she started last week. Rice cereal is just whatever, but apples are pretty good, when they are warmed up of course. This is always very exciting for me, probably more so than it is for the kids. Van is loving helping me feed Ava too, its really cute. Our family was sooo busy this weekend, literally doing something different and visiting someone different everyday. Boy this makes our time fly. Like I said, not much to say but thought I would take this small opportunity to write a bit...sorry its so short, duty as mom is calling me back. Hope to back soon.

1 comment:

mommy nat said...

Hey Lady!! How've you been? The new job must REALLY be keeping you busy!!! Let us know how it's going post again soon!!! Hope all is well!! LOVE YOU!! Give everyone a hug for me!!!