"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Potty Take Two

Wow, has it really been that long since I did a blog? I check all of our friends' everyday and think why aren't they updating more but then I don't even realize how long it's been since I've blogged either. So here goes.

So potty training has started up again. We were really doing well before Ava came but we got lazy and never really pushed it with Van. However, last week Van started running out of the bathroom after his bath and relieving himself on his bed. After 2 nights of this and having to strip the sheets off twice in a row, we started to get the hint. So Sunday night, after his bath, we asked him if he wanted to sit on the big boy potty, he said yes, and after lots of reading, a little singing, and plenty of time, Van finally peed. From there it has been a whirl wind of lots of pottying. We decided to be pretty aggressive from then on and he has been pretty much a little naked man running around working on pottying. Monday he went once in the morning and once at night on the potty and by Tuesday he had up'd it to 7 times. He has also learned, I think, to tell me when he needs to go but if he doesn't I'm still doing the hourly (or really 40 min) check in with him to see if he wants to try. He has been doing so well but we did have a little setback last night. We tried pull ups yesterday and he totally doesn't feel a difference between this and a diaper so we're going straight to big boy underpants, which he's really excited about. Last night was the first night of going out in the big boy pants and he went in the potty once but had 2 accidents. I was a little worried about today but he seems to have recovered, for the most part. Its so hard, this is so trial and error for us. We really don't want to push him if he isn't ready and at the same time he's in his "no" stage so we're really searching for the area in between where he's comfortable and I'm not letting him get away w/ something just because he says no. So here we are, 4 days in and still making progress. We'll keep you all posted.

Ava is getting more beautiful everyday. She is quite the chameleon and can look different in every picture I take. It all depends on her chubby cheeks, multiple chins, and beautiful eyes. You never know what you are going to get. She is proving to be a little diva if you will. Much more high maintenance than Van was, but I hear just like her daddy was. She is always in need of attention and touching which has caused me to make my Snuggli (baby pack) her second home in the mornings. I have found one (yep just one) way she is easier than Van though...Van had to be rocked to sleep, like really rocked and dead to the world for him to go to bed at night. Ava, however, can be placed in bed still tossing around and put herself to sleep nice and easily without so much as a cry. This makes bedtime for us, mostly, about half the time it was with Van. Praise the lord!!
As for Mike and I, we're surviving. This is such a change, the 2 kids compared to just one. We're both constantly busy with our hands full with one or the other and really don't have much time for each other until they are both asleep. Even conversation when the 2 are awake is almost impossible since Van always finds it necessary to interrupt and get all of the attention. Luckily both our kids are usually in bed by 930ish and so we have a little time for eachother. We really relish these moments alone.
I promise to be a much better blogger in the future. I've also got some good pics saved on my laptop so it will be much easier to get around to it. Talk to you all soon.

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