"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

** It's All About The Big Boy **

Wow this has been an exciting week. First Van decides to have his first pee pee in the potty on Sunday night, and then, last night another big move.

About 2 weeks ago we bought Van a "big boy bed", okay not really that big. Its a toddler bed, which means it actually looks like it belongs in a doll house somewhere. But anyways, we wanted to move him from his crib into a bed before his sister got here so he'd be ready to give up his crib without any problems. So we bought his bed, brought it home to assemble it, and 4 pieces of the wood were broken. I was so bummed. Most people who know me know I struggle with a crazy case of instant gratification, so imagine my freak out when we finally buy the bed, go to put it together and have to wait because its broken. Dang it. When we bought his bed, we did let Van pick out his new sheet set and he picked out a Thomas The Train set. So when we couldn't get his bed together we put his new pillow and pillowcase in his crib so he'd get used to the pillow and the idea of his bed. Well we had to call the manufacture and order the replacement parts for the bed but it took sooo long to get them, yes over two weeks. Yikes!! Finally they got here yesterday and of course I had to put the bed together right away. Then I nagged Mike a few times to take down his crib and move his new bed in his room. Mike had a good idea and waited until Van was in the bathtub that way he was out of the room and occupied. So he took down the crib, moved the new bed in his room, put on his new sheet set, and got it all ready for the big surprise. When Van got out of the tub, we asked him if he wanted to see the big surprise and he was very excited. He ran naked into his room, saw what he calls "Choo Choo" and went jumping on his bed. He was thrilled. It never even occurred to him that his crib was gone. We had to wrestle him out of the bed so we could put jammies on him because he wanted to lay in it so bad. We were so excited for him that we both decided to say his prayers with him, tuck him in, and relish the moment that our little guy was such a big boy. He listened to his music box like he does every night and went right to sleep. We checked in on him before we went to bed to make sure he was asleep and safe in his new bed and this is what we saw.

Our little man was sound asleep and slept through the entire night in his new bed. He woke up in the morning still so excited about it when Mike went in to get him. Even this afternoon, he couldn't wait to get home and get into his bed and it was 5 pm. He kept telling me "bye bye mommy night night" and I had to tell him that it wasn't time for bed. We were so worried that this would be a bad transition and so far it seems very smooth. We haven't tried his daily nap in the bed yet because we weren't home today, but hopefully this will go just as smoothly. We are so blessed to have this easy little boy for our first child and we can only pray that raising our daughter will be just as painless. Hope you enjoy this update, I'll let you know of any other "big boy" occurences.

Love, Becky

1 comment:

Melissa Vossler said...

Must be so strange seeing your "baby" sleeping in a big boy bed! He is absolutely adorable...and I hope Lucas didn't frighten him too much last week :)