"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

Monday, July 13, 2009

3 nights and counting....

Well we have big news around here....okay maybe not that big to all of you...but to us its a big deal. Van has had 3 nights now of no accidents or pull ups. He has been potty trained all day, including naps, for over a year now but the all nighter was the clincher. So he's been doing pull ups at night so its still easy to get off if he got up to go potty on his own. And every so often we would try it to see if he was ready and up until now, I hadn't really had that feeling. Then last week I noticed every morning that his pull up was dry plus he's been getting out of bed on his own during the night to go to the bathroom. So Friday night we decided to go with just his boxers, no pull up, and he did it..accident free. When I went to bed that night around 1130, I woke him up to go potty, which he did, and then he got back in bed and went to sleep. He got up around 645am and was perfectly clean...and pretty proud of himself. And so has been the story for the last 2 nights. Last night we got him up around 1130 too but he didn't get up this morning until 730am....yep, thats right, he made it a full 8 hours perfectly dry. Dare I say my child is fully potty trained....24 hours a day? I know it will be so when we aren't doing the "extra" wake up when we go to bed but I think for now its better safe than sorry. We are very excited!!! Yeah Van!!

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