"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

Friday, March 6, 2009

Lots of Action...

I feel like we'll have lots to talk about coming up. We have 2 kids birthdays this month, one husband's birthday this month, one very deserving and can't get here fast enough getaway with the husband this month...hmmm what else, oh yeah a wedding shower for Mike's brother and fiance, plus a personal shower at our house for her alone right after our getaway. Last weekend we had the highschool class from our church over for a classic "who dun it" night and it was a blast. We handed out characters and descriptions to all of the kids and they all came dressed "to the nines" if you know what I mean. They all had a great time...thanks to Greg and Amy for helping us be "servers". It was a lot of fun, but also a lot of work. We worked straight from 7am that morning making all of the finishing touches and still weren't ready when G&A knocked on our door at 530pm. Its one of those nights that when its over you're like...that's it, it went so fast and we put so much energy into it. But it was all worth it, we had a good time and so did the kids. I will add some pics later just for your enjoyment.

So we finally got around to taking our kids to take some new pictures last weekend. I know we're horrible, we are so not those parents that take their kids to the studios every 3-6 months. One, we can't afford to, and two, we're just lazy. We do however take lots of pics of the young 'uns and I try to get some printed now and then. Anyways, we knew it was time since Ava was turning 1 and had never been in a studio or taken any professional shots. Plus we've been getting some slack that the only big pics on our walls were Van Man, none of our little girl. Well we got the cd and were able to save them to our computer so here's a few for your enjoyment...

Hope you guys enjoy the pics. I should be back with lots more details as the month progresses.



Melissa Vossler said...

I always love seeing pictures of your beautiful family. I'm so glad you are doing well, and so excited for your getaway with your hubby. What a nice treat for you two. Thanks for the update and looking forward to hearing about Ava's party!

mommy nat said...

Where are you going? Sounds like fun! I love the pics of the cuties!! See you saturday!!!

The Leslie Clan said...

What cute pictures!! You're right... it's about time! :-) Where did you get them done? JC Penney's, Sears, or somewhere else? They turned out so cute!