"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Getting Closer, I think ?!?

Okay well that sure is a cute picture, isn't it? We'll start this post off with some light and airy fun stuff. A little over a month ago I finally gave in and let Mike get an Xbox 360. His first game, and the one he was dying to have, was Rockstar. Well I believe the 2nd day he brought it home Van discovered the drums and has never looked back. He loves to play on them, walk around with the sticks, and even bang them together over his head like he's counting off a song. It's all very cute. Maybe one day he'll be a rich rocker and we can just be the parents who milk off of him and his millions.

On to the crazier side of Billingsley life right now. Mike had all 4 of his wisdom teeth pulled yesterday and was in quite a bit of pain. We all tried to warn him that it would be bad, but it was much worse than anticipated. He had 1 stubborn tooth that broke and then they had to dig around for 1 1/2 hours trying to get the root. I know that's graphic, but I wanted to explain why he was in so much pain, he really does have a high pain tolerance. So the last 2 days have been hectic, taking care of my husband and my litte boy as well as this growing baby (don't worry I'll get to her in a minute). But as I sit typing now, Mike is up feeling pretty decent, yep he's still on vicadin which helps but he's at least decent today and tomorrow should be even better.

Okay lastly I'll get to the craziest of stuff, our little girl. So I had my checkup on Monday and my doctor saw some red flags that he wanted to address. First off, he didn't think she was active enough and that it was too early for her to be slowing down, secondly my blood work came back showing some sort of infection in my body (even though I feel completely fine), and lastly he's leaving for 10 days and was just worried about me. So I get the sucky news that he's sending me to the hospital for some monitoring just to make sure everything is okay w/ baby and mommy. So I get to the hospital, find out I'm having contractions (ones I can't even feel other than what I think is Braxton Hicks) and sit on the monitoring machine. The nurse talks to my dr and he says to give me a shot of Tetrasomethingthatmakespregnancylastforever and if 1 shot doesn't work give me 2. Are you serious...yippee, lets stop any progression of this labor thing. Not to mention, I had this with Van at exactly the same time and they gave me the same dumb shot and he ended up being a week late. So I get the shot and am instructed to come back on Wednesday (today) for more monitoring. Oh yeah, I was so excited, can you tell?? So I go back today for more monitoring and blah blah blah stuff and sure enough within 20 minutes they see more contractions and bring out the dreaded needle. So I get another shot and am instructed to come back tomorrow for more monitoring (and probably another shot). Yahoo!!! Basically my doctor really wants me to get to 37 weeks which is about 10 days away and then he said I can go anytime I want. So the nurse says I should be on bedrest (yeah let's remember I have a husband who just had major oral surgery yesterday, drugged up to manage the pain, and have an almost 2 yr old running around that needs to be taken care of), but yeah I'll give that a shot. I agreed to take it easy and come back tomorrow but that's the best they were going to get out of me!!! Don't get me wrong, I want my little girl healthy and if they need her to cook some more that's okay, but gosh darn it stop with the dumb shot and the monitoring, we'll make it just fine.

Okay I'm off of my negative soap box. Back to the happy light and airy stuff. I should have all of Ava's nursery stuff tomorrow unless UPS decides to take the day off. So I'm very excited to get it all completed so everyone can see. Since I have to go back tomorrow for more monitoring and probably drugs I don't know that I will be able to finish it for you tomorrow with pics and a blog, but I promise to get it to you in a few days. Hang in there and keep our crazy little family in your prayers.



Anonymous said...

Hang in there Speck!!! You're almost done!!!! I can relate to the nursing a injured hubby and caring for kids!! It's tough but that's why God made women the stronger of the sexes!!! Love you!!!

Melissa Vossler said...

Well, I can say one thing with certainty...if you deliver before me - I'll be SO jealous :) I'm definitely praying for you and hoping for a smooth, painless, and perfectly timed delivery. Keep us posted!