So when I started this blog I thought I would do weekly updates if not more frequent. But, here it is, more than a week since my last blog and I've had to try to find time to sit down and write. Its not that I'm all that busy, I just feel like weeks are flying by.
We are all doing great and are patiently waiting the arrival of our daughter. Van is so excited for her to make her entrance into the world. He goes into her room any chance he gets and says Ava's room, Ava's bed, Ava's toys, and even Ava's toothbrush. He is always looking for her and I think in his head he is convinced she is just hiding from him. I'm so excited to see how he reacts when he finally sees her. I feel like we've been so blessed w/ this wonderful son and any concerns we've had about him reacting negatively to her arrival have been washed away so quickly. I know you can never really know until they get here how the newborn will affect your other children, but I'm very optimistic about Van's love and support for this little girl.
Speaking of Ava, I wanted to take this time to thank everyone who has given us or donated anything to us for our little girl. We really do have more than we need when it comes to her, but it seems like friends and family just want to keep giving. We are very appreciative of the outpouring of love and support everyone continues to bestow upon us. Her room is almost complete except for a few things my mom is buying that match her bedding and her crib mattress that is graciously being lent to us by some good friends. Mike went in the other night and hung up all of the little goodies I had for him and the room looks really great. As soon as we get all of the last things (which should be by next week) I will take some pics and post them so everyone can take a look. Also, I have my next doctor's appt on Monday, which I'm sure will be uneventful but I will keep you posted afterwards. I know we are getting down to the wire, but I am also realistic that Van was late and that could be the case again. Right now I'm 34 weeks and even if I went into labor my doctor would probably stop it because it would be too early in his book. So unless my water breaks, I don't foresee any big Ava happenings for at least another 3 weeks. But, of course I could be wrong and I will let you know if anything does happen.
As for Mike, he is getting very excited for Ava to come as well. He talked to his boss yesterday and arranged for all of his time off and is all set for her to make her appearance. He layed down with me this morning and talked to my tummy making Ava jump all over the place. She really responds to his voice well. He has been so sweet lately and has really taken care of me. I have woken up more than once over the last few weeks to breakfast already made for me and him taking care of Van. These little breaks are so nice and thoughtful, I haven't even had to ask him, he's just doing them. The other day he made me pancakes for breakfast because I've been craving them for about a week, tried to make them myself but failed, and yet still really wanted them. He was so excited for me to come see what he had made me and they were very yummy. As I previously mentioned, he hung up all of the stuff for Ava's room and never even grumbled that I was making him late for his get together with his friends. He has been working out almost everyday at 5am to get in better shape and I think its doing wonders for other aspects of his life. He is just more motivated, more eager to help me out with stuff, and more satisfied with how he looks. Not that Mike isn't a great husband all the time, I'm just really enjoying being a little spoiled over the last month or so.
Well, I believe those are all the updates I have for now. Like I said, I have a drs appt next week and we should be finishing the nursery in about a week, so I should have good news and pics for you to check out shortly. Love to all.