"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

Friday, February 6, 2009

Don't Get Me Wrong...

Okay I feel like I might need to clarify, at least for my husband's sake. A few weeks ago I posted a blog about wondering if people were really reading my blog and feeling more bogged down about having to write than really excited about it anymore. Then a very insightful friend sent me a comment telling me that really a blog is more for myself then for any of my readers. Its really a place where I can let people in to know how we're doing and feeling on any given day. I really took that advice to heart and let it sink in. I love to write and have always done so in journals or even the young girl's well wishing diary. I love to write my husband notes because I feel like I express myself so much better in writing than I do verbally, and honestly I feel like I can be more true to how I'm really feeling without as much fear of judgment. So after really thinking about it, I decided to "bare my soul" so to speak. Well Mike read my latest entry and asked why I sound like I want to kill myself in my last couple of posts. I want to reassure anyone else out there who has thought this same crazy thing....I'm in no way suicidal nor am I even a depressed person. On the contrary, I'm usually pretty optimistic, upbeat, but very realistic and rational. I feel like I am expressing feelings and thoughts that maybe, just maybe, one of my faithful readers can relate to and together we can keep eachother sane in this crazy day and time. Regardless of what you may think after reading my posts, please know that above all else, I love God, my husband, and my children..in just that order. I feel blessed to live the life I do, blessed to call the man I married my best friend in the world, and blessed to have 2 beautiful healthy children. My God continues to give me an abundance of blessings and I try to never forget that....however, as perfect as my life may seem, I am dealt with my share of trials and tribulations just so I can really see my blessings clearly and learn to rely on God with the amount of dependence he requires.


PS Thanks to all of my mommy friends out there who totally got my message and sent me great words of wisdom. Its so nice to know I'm not the only one out there...I'll be thinking of you during my next crazy day..or week...or month.

1 comment:

mommy nat said...

Well I didn't get a suicidal vibe just a sometimes overwhelmed mommy vibe & frankly if there are ANY mommy's out there who aren't overwhelmed sometimes I'd LOVE to meet them because they are LYING!!! :) I love you and I love reading your blog so keep on writing!!!