"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

Friday, November 6, 2009

School Pics

Well we had school pics this last Wednesday and let me just say it was a huge success. Last year, Van's first year, he was miserable. He screamed during the whole group session and we couldn't barely get him to look at the camera or stop eating his shirt during his individual time. But this year...oh yeah, check out the pic below...seriously, how handsome is this little boy? I mean really, I'm not sure who he looks like more or if he looks like somebody specific in our families, but really he is so handsome, so clean cut. He was so good, didn't touch his hair after we did it and even managed to keep his clothes really clean until after the pictures. Yippeee!!!
And as for Ava, yep she's always included. Ava isn't technically an "enrolled student". However, she does go by "the tornado that comes with Van every Tuesday" and therefore gets a school picture too. This is actually pretty good for her. She's smiling and Kristen, our photographer, managed to capture a pic in between Ava's crazy tree climbing antics. Pretty little girl...oh how we love her.
And just so you can see all of the kids at Van's school this year, here's a group shot. Van was having so much fun. All the kids were smiling then Kristen said "make a silly face"...and if you notice, they almost all make the same face....love it!!

Hope you love looking at my kids as much as I do. :)


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